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A Year In Review, Part 1 - 2019 = 30 books and other goodness

2019 = 30 plus books, a deep dive down the vibrational medicine & crystal healing rabbit hole, plus a new kick ass deck of archetype cards by Kim Krans, gorgeous! And oh so much more...

I love reading and I equally love sharing what I’ve read and learned. I never have a plan in regards to what I will study, rather topics come to me through curiosity, exploration and sometimes from podcasts, Krista Tippet’s On Being is alway inspirational. When something grabs my interest, I relish in diving down the proverbial rabbit hole.

This year I found myself drawn to vibrational medicine (Richard Gerber’s book by that name is a must read), especially crystal healing and crystal bowl sound baths. I’ve always loved crystals for their beauty but it wasn’t until I was gifted a rainbow aura quartz, by my dear friend @asacredlife, that I felt the energy and connection with what I now consider to be living beings. 

Aside from reading about a subject of interest I love to take classes. In person is awesome but I also love online courses. I had the pleasure of taking an in person crystal alchemy singing bowls sound bath workshop with the renowned crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass. You’ve got to love LA for the breadth of learning opportunities, lol! And while I was able to acquire a set of three frosted crystal bowls this year (gratitude), I have to admit I am coveting the beautiful Crystal Tones crystal alchemy bowls! I mean come on, not only are they stunning to look at, the sound and energy is otherworldly.

So far my favorite online crystal teacher is Hibiscus Moon. She’s wicked smart, an expert on crystals, with a background in geology and was a science teacher and head of the science department. This equals that her courses are extremely informative and she knows how to put together really impactful curriculum. 

I first took her Sacred Geometry Workshop and loved it so much that I signed up for the Certified Crystal Healer course, which I successfully completed obtaining my certification as a crystal healer, (woot!). I’m looking forward to deepening this practice in 2020.

My favorite books this year are The Book of Stones, Vibrational Medicine and Crystal Muse, because it’s so beautiful and I’m a sucker for beauty. I loved The Hidden life of Trees, so moving and interesting. Womb Awakening is a must read if you have an interest in women’s studies, it’s a masterpiece. If I had to pick just one book though it would definitely be The Woman in the Shaman’s Body, brilliant! Thank the Goddess I don’t have to pick just one because I find there to be a limitless supply of outstanding books!

I’m also a sucker for books on wellness and cookbooks and added some beauties to my collection this year; Whole Food Cooking Every Day, Eating Purely, Well + Good and High Vibration Beauty are my faves.  

I need some serious inspiration to get me cooking and ready for my January cleanse!

If you have some down time over the holidays, and I seriously hope you do, then you may want to give a listen to some of my favorite podcasts of 2019.

On Being with Krista Tippet is my go to podcast, always inspiring. Here are some of my favorite interviews from this year: Marilynne Robinson and Marcelo Gleiser The Mystery We Are, Robert Macfarlane The Hidden Human Depths of the Underland, this is maybe my favorite, favorite this year, I'm currently reading Macfarlane's book Underland and loving it. Gordon Hempton Silence and the Presence of Everything, his book One Square Inch of Silence is in my queue, Katy Payne In the Presence of Elephants and Whales. There are so many more to choose from but these are the ones that I will definitely listen to again.

Reviewing the ending year is one of my great pleasures. It reminds me of all that I have to be grateful for, and to be honest it helps me remember what I actually did over the past twelve months. As I get older the time seem to speed by faster and faster and I can hardly remember anything! It is my intention to SLOW THINGS DOWN as much as feasibly possible and this end of the year ritual is one I cherish. I hope you enjoy some of the sharing, maybe check out a book or two and listen to a podcast.

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