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Sometimes growth is scary + how to feel the fear and do it anyways

Some of my favorite strategies for moving through the fear of the unknown and self-doubt.

I have long known that the real magic happens outside of our comfort zones and there have been times in my life where I was moving full throttle ahead, laser focused on what I was trying to create. But truth be told I have been way too comfortable for a long time. I spent years devoted to my own healing, created a clear vision for what I wanted my life to look and feel like, untangle myself from an emotionally abusive marriage, find true love, buy a house with a studio over the garage, raise my daughter as a stay at home mom, etc. When I stop to think about it, I am pinch me astounded that the life I used to dream about is the life I’m actually living. It was hard work, blood, sweat, and a lot of tears, mission accomplished.


And yet while I certainly have a lot to be grateful for I always felt there’s more I’m meant to be doing, more ways I can be of service, a soul purpose. I long to contribute to our world in a meaningful way. Do you know what I mean? So for the past few years I’ve dabbled with Art of Sacred Living, always wanting to share everything I love and never really having clarity of how to create a cohesive whole out of all the parts, and definitely no strategy, lol. A circle here, a retreat there, with sound baths and energy healing sessions mixed in, and maybe some ceramics too because why not, all of which I truly love but it hasn’t felt cohesive and the impact feels too diluted. I had no idea how to grow what I do to be of maximum service, and it’s hard for me to ask for help. Maybe you can relate to that? As women we often have to wear a million hats to just get our shit done and asking for help, well it just feels hard to do.


As it turns out help is available, we just have to acknowledge we need help, then be open to receive. For me help has come in the form of a business coach, Forward with Grace. I found her through serendipitous means and deciding to actually take the plunge by hiring her required some courage. For one it’s a big investment, in myself, and am I worth it? Will there actually be ROI, (return on investment, I just learned what that means, lol)? Do I know what I’m doing? Do I know enough? Am I enough? And oh my goddess there oh so many fears that creep in and make me lose sleep. 


When I’m standing in my authentic power I know that of course I’m worth it and have so much to offer. When I falter I have to reach into my tool box, one that didn’t get much use over the last fifteen years of living a too comfortable life, and here’s what I’m remembering works. 


  • Affirmations. Yes they really work and are incredibly powerful for reprogramming negative self-talk. When I first began my healing journey many years ago I had affirmations taped up all over my house. If you tell yourself something enough times you start to believe it. I love the quote “whether you believe you can or you can’t you’re right”. Affirmations literally reprogram the neural pathways in your brain.


  • Meditation. It brings us into the present moment like nothing else I know, and usually if we zero into the moment all is well. When I was going through my divorce, which was brutal like nothing I’ve ever experienced, I would zero in on the exact moment and in that moment I was just doing whatever it was I was doing and there was nothing else. In the moment we are simply present with the task at hand. I just read this in Dené Logan’s incredible book, Sovereign Love, “Prayer is how we speak to the Divine, Meditation is how the Divine speaks back to us”. Giving myself permission to sit in stillness, even when there’s a million things on my to-do list, helps me tap into Divine guidance and reminds me of my own divinity. We are all drops in the Divine ocean.


  • Journaling. I think everyone has heard that journaling is a good thing to do, but if you’ve ever had a committed journaling practice you know that it can be transformative. As in literally change your life transformative.


I first started journaling after reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron many years ago. One of the practices she recommends is the Morning Pages, which consists of free writing three full pages on 8.5 x 11 paper first thing in the morning. Everyday. Journaling in this way is incredibly cathartic. With consistency it also helps us tap into our higher selves. There may be a story we’re telling ourselves, our friends, our family, that isn’t actually our real truth, but when we’re writing in the privacy of our journal the Truth is revealed. Here’s a crazy example, when my daughter was a baby I finally got the courage to move out from her dad. It felt like I could finally breathe after being held under water unimaginably long, a breath of life giving fresh air. Freedom! However, we owned a business together, were tangled up in so many ways that seem silly all these years later, and we didn’t immediately divorce. He wanted to get back together and after a year and a half of living separately I agreed to move back in. WTF!? Well I was telling everyone it was going to be great, that he’d changed, learned his lesson. I was telling myself this too. Of course it wasn’t great, I think we can convince ourselves of just about anything. Here’s the crazy part, when I read my journal from the time we were just about to move back in together, I was actually dreading it. Deep down I knew it was a horrible choice, I said as much in my journal, and yet I don’t remember thinking that consciously.


So my point is journaling is a sacred and powerful practice that helps us tap into Divine knowing, into our highest self, our soul self.


As I work with Grace to refine my vision for Art of Sacred Living and the exciting new offering that will launch in 2025, (stay tuned for more on this exciting new offering in the work), I find myself coming back to these tried and true practices. When I’m freaking out, doubting myself and wondering what the heck am I doing disrupting my easy, peaceful life, I remember that the magic really does happen outside our comfort zone, and there’s important work to be done.


Is there something that you’re struggling with? Do you have any negative self-talk that you’d rather you didn’t have to listen to? If so try this healing trifecta – affirmations, meditation, journaling.

Learn to create your own powerful affirmation with this downloadable pdf The Power of Affirmations.

📸 via Pinterest. Please contact for photo credit:-)

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